Joe Crujiff

Nov 26, 20203 min

UB Faires Primer [Pauper]

Hello Everybody,

today i'm going to talk about a very nice deck for pauper: UB Faires.

You know, it's difficult for me to leave my delver at home, but this deck it's really awesome!

Let's get started.

B vs R

This is a very difficult question, why to play black over red?

Firstly, we need to analyze 2 decklists:



As you can see, the main deck difference are Bolt/Skred vs Gurmag Angler/Removal. In the side we can see a lot of hate against tron and blue decks for UR, instead we get hate against red and control decks. Which one to pick up really depends on what do you prefer play and what deck do you expect. I preferer black one, because I can play one of the best 1 mana threat (Gurmag Angler) and some of the best removal in the format (Cast Down and Snuff out). Obviously I lost probably my most favourite magic card, Lightning Bolt.

So, if you expect a lot of aggro deck deck (elves, mono r) or Tron, i would go for red one, instead if you expect monarch, ur/ub, monow, probably the best one is the black one.


It's very difficult to identify the gameplan, but i would rate this as a midrange deck. So, first of all you have to sculpt your hand, with 8 cantrips and Faire Seer you can setup the following turn. Then you've to deploy your gameplan:

  • Disrupt and deploy, try to kill and counter your opponent threat, then win with your Gurmag Angler. Play this way if your opponent is faster than you (aggro decks)

  • Deploy and disrupt, try to setup an early threat (ninja or gurmag) then disrupt your opponent gameplan. Play this way if your opponent is slower than you (control and tron decks).

  • Be like water, in the midrange matchup is very important the role assessment, as rule of thumb, if you start you're the aggressor, otherwise you're the control.

Moreover, try to follow this guideline, your hand need to have:

  • 1/2 lands

  • 1 removal

  • 1 cantrip

This is a keepable hand, otherwise mulligan. An hand full of removal is bad against tron, as a hand full of cantrips is bad against aggro. In a blind matchup is better 2 removal than 2 cantrips, because losing 2 turn against aggro is usually a sure lose, instead of 2 removal against control, you can still manage the virtual card disadvantage of removal with the help of brainstorm and scry/shuffle effect. Try to have at least one counter when you deploy your Gurmag because you're low on big threat, and if you lose it your race will be very slow.



+1 Dispel

+2 Okiba

+2 Azure-Fleet Admiral

+2 Nihil Spellbomb

-1 Agony Warp

-1 Echoing Decay

-1 Suffocating Fumes

-4 Fall from Favor

The most important thing here is to close the game as fast as possible, cast spellstutter in eot to lower the clock. Use nihil to remove combo piece from the graveyard and for counter proritize removal.


+1 Dispel

+3 Hydroblast

-4 Fall from Favor

Here you need to control the board, keep your snuff out for ninja and play your gurmag only if you can win the counter war. If you protect the gurmag, you win the game easily.

Boros Monarch

+1 Dispel

+3 Hydroblast

+2 Suffocating Fumes

-1 Agony Warp

-1 Echoing Decay

-4 Fall from Favor/Snuff Out/Cast Down (split between this)

Keep your counter for Guardian of the Guildpact and removal. Try to stay always with more than 5 life. Get out ninja and gurmag only if you can protect them.


+ All cards except hydroblast and 1 suffocating fumes

-4 Fall from Favor

-3 Snuff Out

-2 Cast Down

-1 Agony Warp

-1 Echoing Decay

This is a really bad matchup, you've to hope that you're opponent is really unlucky.

Last thought

That's it, the deck is really fun to play with a lot of powerful cards!

What do you think about, do you play this deck?


